Patient Rights and Responsibilities

At Crow Valley Surgery Center, we understand that health care involves a partnership between patients, families, and health care providers, each of whom have certain rights and responsibilities. We want you to be well informed, participate in treatment decisions, and communicate openly with your doctors and health care providers. We encourage respect for personal preferences and values of each individual. While at Crow Valley Surgery Center, you have the right to…

Considerate and respectful care based on the psychosocial, spiritual and cultural needs of you and your family.

Treatment without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, disability, veteran status, sex or age.

Personal Privacy. Your doctor, and the health care providers at Crow Valley Center, will protect your privacy as much as possible.

Receive care in a safe setting.

Be free from all forms of abuse or harassment.

Health care professional credentialing documents.

Be well informed about your treatment and request information related to specific procedures and treatment, the risks involved, length of procedure and recuperation, reasonable alternatives and their accompanying risks and benefits.

Know the names and roles of the people taking care of you.

Know the financial implications, both immediate and long term; including fees for service, policies and procedures for billing insurance, collecting co-pays and deductibles, and procedure for cash payments.

Receive appropriate pain management for post operative pain.

Make decisions about your plan of care, prior to and during the course of treatment and to refuse a recommended treatment or plan of care to the extent permitted by law and Crow Valley Surgery Center policy, and to be informed of the consequences of this action.

Expect that treatment records are confidential unless you have given permission to release information or reporting is required or permitted by law. When we release records to others, such as insurers, it emphasizes that the records are confidential.

Review your medical records and to have the information explained, except when restricted by law.

Know if Crow Valley Surgery Center has relationships with outside parties.

Consent or decline to take part in research affecting your care. If you choose not to take part, you will receive the most effective treatment that your physician and surgery center have to offer.

Know that marketing regarding the competency and capabilities of your physicians is not misleading.

Know that you may change specialty physicians if other qualified physicians are available.

As a patient, you are responsible for…

Providing information about your health, including past and present illnesses, hospital stays, and use of medication.

Expressing any concerns regarding your ability to comply with recovery care plan. Every effort will be made to meet your specific needs and limitations.

Being respectful of all health care providers and staff, as well as other patients and visitors.

Providing a copy of your Advance Directive. If you have a living will, Durable Power of Attorney, please provide a copy to our staff.

Asking questions when you do not understand information or instructions. SPEAK UP!

Telling us about your pain. Tell your physician or nurse if your pain medication does not reduce or relieve your pain.

Reporting unexpected changes in your condition to the health care provider responsible for your care.

Following the plan of care. The nurse, upon discharge, will provide instructions from your physician, for recovery. There may be a need to involve family as there are times that they play an important role in this plan.

We look on feedback, both positive and negative, as an opportunity to continuously improve our service. If you wish to discuss the care and/or service you received while a patient here, please ask the nurse taking care of you to speak to the Crow Valley Surgery Center Administrative Director or the substitute person assigned to answer grievances.

Other sources for you to contact;

Iowa Department of Inspection and Appeals:

Complaint Hot Line: 877-686-0027

Fax: 515-281-7106

Complaint Department, Lucas State Office Building  321 East 12th Street Des Moines, IA 50319-0083

Medicare Ombudsman: