Frequently Asked Questions

What should I bring?

  • Things you need to have: insurance cards, photo i.d, most current medication list including over the counter medications you take, advance directives and power of attorney for health care. Please leave all jewelry and valuables at home. We do our best to safeguard your belongings, they are best secured at home.

What if I need to cancel/reschedule surgery?

  • As soon as you are aware of the need to cancel or reschedule, please call the Surgery Center at 563-449-8988. Ask for surgery scheduling at ext 4402 and inform the scheduling nurse. If you call after hours the Answering Service will take a message.

What if I do not have anyone to stay with me for the first 24 hours?

  • Your surgery may be cancelled until these arrangements can be made. If you are having a procedure with local anesthetic you are not required to have someone stay with you.

Why can’t I eat before surgery?

  • General anesthesia is the safest when given on an empty stomach. Following the diet guidelines is very important. Surgery is likely to be cancelled or postponed if the instructions are not followed.

What medications do I take prior to surgery?

  • Medications for blood pressure, heart conditions, asthma, or emphysema may be taken with a small sip of water when you wake up. Again, No food should be taken the morning of surgery.

Why do I need to shower with the soap before surgery?

  • It has been scientifically proven to reduce the amount of bacteria (germs) on your skin prior to surgery.

Why don’t I know the time of my surgery until the day before surgery?

  • The surgery schedule is constantly changing. Children and patients who are diabetic are always scheduled first in the day. The day prior to surgery is the most accurate time.

How long will I be at the Surgery Center?

When can I drive?

  • The Surgery center requires that someone must escort every patient home who has had anesthesia and/or sedation. The effects of the drugs may take 24 hours to disappear and it is advised that patients that have been administered these drugs have someone with them until the drowsiness is gone. Your surgeon will let you know when you are allowed to drive.

Can family visit before surgery and why only 1 visitor?

  • Due to the importance for privacy, our policy allows one family member to visit the patient before and after surgery. The nursing staff will be more then happy to give the family members waiting periodic updates on the patient’s condition.

How will my pain be controlled?

  • Your surgeon will be sending you home with pain medication. Take all pain medications with food such as: yogurt, pudding, toast. Not just a cracker or milk.

How long will I be in recovery?

  • Time spent in recovery varies depending on the surgery. The average length of time is 30 to 60 minutes depending on the individual needs of the patient. All patients must meet pre-established criteria before they are transferred to Phase II or discharge area. No patient feels completely recovered at the time of discharge. Home recovery is part of the ambulatory surgery process. IT IS NOT UNUSUAL FOR YOU TO HAVE SOME DISCOMFORT AND DROWSINESS UPON LEAVING.

Will my surgeon talk to me after surgery?

  • Your surgeon will speak with you before surgery. After surgery they will speak with your family member/significant other.

When can I eat?

  • As soon as you wake in recovery you will be allowed liquids and crackers. Once you get home start with a simple, bland diet and advance as tolerated. Avoid spicy, greasy, fried foods as your first meal.

How long will I be off work and or when can I go back to work?

  • Your doctor will let you know after surgery. Your time away from work will depend on the type of work you do and the type of surgery that you have had.

How long will I be painful?

  • The type of surgery will determine the duration of pain. Generally the most difficult time for pain is the night of surgery and the following day. You will get a prescription for pain medication if one is required.

When can I shower?

  • Your surgeon will indicate on your discharge instructions when you can remove your dressing and shower.

Can I pick up my medication prior to surgery?

  • Generally your prescription will be called in after your surgery. If that is a hardship for you, call your surgeon or ask at your visit prior to surgery.

What if I have questions after I return home?

  • Before you leave a nurse will go over your discharge instructions with you and the responsible adult that is going to be with you. The surgeons office number as is listed on your discharge instructions.