Is Crow Valley Surgery Center (CVSC) Open?

  • Yes, we are open for elective procedures. We are following The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the State of Iowa Public Health Disaster guidelines to perform surgeries and procedures in the safest manner possible. These mandates are in place to preserve necessary medical supplies and protective equipment and to minimize the spread of COVID 19.

Is it safe to have surgery now?

  • CVSC continues to safely serve our patients who need surgery, by strictly following our well established infection prevention practices for cleaning and for keeping patients and visitors safe,  as well as to practice current recommendations, such as strict prescreening and screening of all patients. Additionally, a strict visitor policy is in place upon the recommendation of CMS.

Is it safe to have surgery at Crow Valley Surgery Center?

  • The Surgery Center is a Medicare certified facility that is also accredited by AAAHC. It follows strict infection prevention guidelines and regulations by these and other national regulatory bodies. Additionally, all COVID 19  screening and prevention guidelines such as social distancing, having the proper protective equipment for both the patient, physicians and staff, is in place. The surgery center would not be scheduling elective surgery otherwise.

Can my family member come to the surgery center?

  • At this time, we are allowing one visitor to accompany all patients into the surgery center but visitors will not be allowed into the clinical area for your safety and the safety of others.  CVSC will utilize our strict pre-screening process for all visitors entering the surgery center.  After the appropriate screening, an exception for those visitors allowed in our clinical area include a parent of a minor. We will communicate with your significant other/family member either in person or by cell phone while you are in the surgery center.

Do I need to be COVID tested in order to have surgery?

  • Currently, CVSC will be screening all patients for any signs and symptoms prior to arrival. This is to ensure we are being as safe as possible for our patients, visitors, and employees. It is important to report any signs and symptoms prior to surgery for further evaluation on the safety of performing your procedure. CVSC strives to ensure a great and safe experience, and part of that experience is making sure every patient is optimized. Please know if symptoms are not reported, there may be a potential cancellation the day of surgery. Reporting prior to surgery will allow our healthcare experts to proceed with appropriate testing if applicable.
  • Please call Crow Valley Surgery Center: 563-449-8988 for any questions or concerns you may have. 

CDC-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information and Updates